Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Serene Eastern Nepal and Pathivara

Travelling is fun; you can go to the unknown places away from your aura and enjoy much you want, much you can. But the best thing about travel is that you can learn and be more conscient. You can learn about new places, new culture, new weather and new routine.

My trip to Pathivara was an unexpected one. I went to give my sunglasses to my mate who was going for a trip but after few minutes I went to a trip. This was more like a plan trip never happens and unplanned happens. 
When I went to home for my bag my mother was shocked with my plan to go the trip. A few minutes ago I had lunch without any plans and now I was packing bag for the trip. Who would have thought that??

From the flight from TIA we went to Jhapa around 4pm. in the evening we stay at Birtamod. Terai always fascinates me, unbound plains, warm weather and plethora of things you can get. in the evening we enjoy the local barbecue of chicken and some local beers we would get there. the taste was indeed good.

In the morning we headed towards Taplejung in a taxi. Ohh! its not a taxi we would get here at ktm, people used to call tata sumo a taxi there, that was quite a unique code for us. So from the green terai filled with entire fields of rice and tea garden we headed towards the green hills with cold and foggy weather. At noon we reached Kanyam, Illam, where we could find the little piece of heaven. Entire hills are covered with the tea plants and the view from top was magnificent. After a short stop at kanyam we headed towards our destination. The roads were in good condition and we it enthralled us in every turns and every corners. The talks and laughs with other passengers and the song that was on in sumo made the long 8 hour journey like a few minutes’ drive.
In the evening we went to Taplejung bazar, as soon we get out of the taxi we feel so cold, we have already started enjoying the weather of Taplejung. In the evening we tasted the local tongba-sukuti of taplejung which is famous all over Nepal. If you are in Taplejung tasting those things is must.

In the morning we headed towards Pathivara in a four wheeler drive. Other vehicles don't have a chance to go through those roads. With big rocks and mud all the way, the road gave us another feel of adventure, enthrallment, awe and a bit feel of fear. After an hour of drive what remains is a long hour walking in a steep hill without having lunch. We didn't have lunch because we too have to follow our tradition of not having it while going to temple, and this where we are heading was Pathivara mata, the greatest of great mata.

With a trekking stick in our hands, we slowly started to walk. With every steps we were gaining altitude and the best part is that we can see the astonish view below. The weather was unpredictable, the fog and the sun were playing hide and seek every now and then. The chirping sound of birds, the humming of insects, the snowy path of snow and the friendliness of people we meet in every step made us to forget the tiredness of the walking and the pain we are getting on our legs. On reaching the zenith of the hill, the view of long Himalayan range, hills covered with a blanket of snow and the clouds beneath us made us feel heaven is here at Pathivara. The aura and the feeling of the very moment can't be described in words. Now the religious part comes to play, with the worshiping materials we have carried all the way, we line up with every material in our hand for worshiping. The smell of incense sticks burning all over the place, the burning light of diyo and batti and the sound of bell ringing now and then gives us the different feeling of faith of our culture and religion. After spending some time at the best place of trek, we climbed down the hills and had a lunch to the nearest shop available. 
In the evening we returned to Taplejung bazar, the day after to Jhapa and the day after to Kathmandu by witnessing the natural beauty, environmental serenity, cultural diversity, economic disparity and entirely the serene eastern Nepal. It was a short but sweet visit and especially for me because one sun-glass have given me the chance to visit one of the beautiful place inside Nepal.